Whatever the obstacle there is a way round it!

Interested in Bible College? Hungry for some in-depth biblical training? Feeling a call from God to be better equipped to serve in your church? Maybe this describes you but there seems to be something getting in the way. If so, please get in touch, we’d love to chat with you. You might be surprised how many “obstacles" can be overcome!

Whatever the obstacle there is a way round it!

I live too far away from Dublin. You can now take our 1-year Certificate or 3 years Degree in Applied Theology at home on Zoom or on Site. Twin-track study is explained here.

I can’t afford the fees. Talk to us! Bursaries are now available for new students. Please contact us for details.Being able to study from home means significant savings in accommodation and travel if you’re not living within easy reach of IBI.

I’d love to study but I don’t have the time. Our Certificate and BA can be taken part-time. You need one day a week (a Tue or Wed) plus c.8 hours or study time a week. Part-time study means you are able to keep working while studying. For full time it is 2 days a week in class (Tue & Wed) plus c.16 hours of study time. So the programme is very flexible.

I can only take one year out. The Certificate in Applied Theology is a university-recognised qualification. You can complete this first year of the BA degree and keep the door open to return to complete years 2 and 3 at a later date. This option may be of particular interest to students taking a gap year before college – why not spend a year building a quality biblical and theological foundation for whatever path lies ahead in life?

I don’t have the right qualifications to begin the course. The Certificate and BA have an ‘Associate Route’ entry. It enables you to join the course straight-away, you just have to pass first semester modules to be fully registered. Many students have used this route in to the programme with great success.

I’ve been out of study for a long time. Many of our students have returned to study and done very well. IBI offers first-class student support and study skills – it is a big advantage of being a small college. Students get personalised support and care.

I’m not a theologian. Our courses in Applied Theology are designed to connect your learning to “Head, Hands and Heart” in every module. IBI is not dry and theoretical, it is a life-transforming experience! Click here and listen to stories of students who found their knowledge of God widening, their heart for service growing and their faith deepening through their study.

I’m not a leader. It’s our passion that every Christian is called to service, not only the church leader. So, whoever you are, male or female, younger or older, spending time in studying God’s Word is part and parcel of ‘fanning into flame’ your God-given gifting. Many of our students are already serving in some way in their local church. They are investing in a biblical and theological foundation that will bear fruit for the rest of their lives.

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