The book of Acts

Join us for a 4-week study on Acts and learn from international Acts commentators and scholars who have contributed to this course including Darrel L. Bock, Eckhard J. Schnabel, Steve Walton and Ben Witherington III."

This course is a 4-week journey through the book of Acts. We will follow the action-packed story of the good news of Jesus spreading from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. We will travel alongside Peter, Paul and others. Exploring Luke’s narrative will show us clearly how God used his early church to change the world. Acts tells the story of lives and communities being radically transformed through the gospel of Jesus Christ by the power of the Spirit.

Join the adventure! As we go, we will be considering how the continuation of Jesus’ ministry, by his Spirit-filled people, has much to teach and inform the church today.

Each week we will embark on a different “leg” of the journey…

  • Week 1: Peter, Jews and Jerusalem (Acts 1-7)

  • Week 2: A Multi-Ethnic Movement (Acts 8-12)

  • Week 3: Mission Expanded – travelling to the Gentiles (Acts 13-20)

  • Week 4: Paul’s journey to Rome (Acts 21-28)

Course not running at the moment - Contact Grace about the next one available