Introduction to Pastoral Caring



Delivery: on Zoom

With assessment. Credits for IBI FA: 2 (when done with the assessment)

This module will give input on how to biblically care for each other in a way that is helpful while not going beyond our limits. It will help you think about the role of the church as a caring community and how we play our part in that. We will spend time exploring foundational principles for Christian caring and will think through some specific issues including depression, bereavement and handling conflict.

This module aims to:

  • facilitate an empathetic understanding of the impact of a selection of common pastoral care issues;

  • encourage students to reflect on church-based pastoral care;

  • enable students to develop their caring skills;

  • explore the motives, character, skills, and attitudes of effective carers;

  • develop the students’ appreciation of the importance of listening;

  • enable students to evaluate their listening practice.

This module is taught by Joan Singleton

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