Walter McConnell (PhD)

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Walter McConnell originally comes from a small town near Seattle in America, but now lives in Coleraine. He served with OMF in Taiwan for about eight years as a church planter and theological educator. After completing his PhD in Old Testament at Queen’s University of Belfast, he taught for seven years at the Singapore Bible College where he was head of the OT department and served as director of the Ichthus Research Institute for Biblical and Theological Studies. From 2010–2013, he was a pastor at the Belfast Chinese Christian Church, before returning to Singapore to be the Head of Mission Research for OMF and the editor of Mission Round Table, OMF’s journal for reflective practitioners. He has written a variety of articles on Old Testament, mission, and worship, and is awaiting the publication of How Majestic is Your Name: An Introduction to Biblical Worship.

Walter is married to Claire and they have five grown children and four grandchildren.

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